My Approach

Bio-Individual: Anatomy, metabolism, age, genetics, ancestry and environment all influence a person’s overall health. Every person is unique, in body and lifestyle – what works well for one person may cause problems for another. Similarly, a dietary approach or healing modality may not work all the time; our bodies and our needs are always changing - with age, the seasons, and the demands of day-to-day life.

Holistic: True health and well-being considers the whole person - body, mind, and spirit – and the whole of life.  All parts are related. Changing a part changes the whole.

Integrative: We are nourished by more than the food we eat; our relationships, work, physical activity, creativity and spiritual connection all contribute to well-being, and can be mined for causes and solutions. Traditional wisdom and modern science both offer us valuable tools, techniques and insights.

My Philosophy

I believe everyone has the capacity to listen to their body, understand its messages, and meet its needs. To discover what truly nourishes us, we must cultivate our curiosity and attention, experiment, and get creative. We are all creative beings, and our creativity is key to making positive change in our lives.

I believe in honoring the body’s intelligence, using food as medicine, and living in harmony with natural cycles. Not only do these practices promote well-being, they increase inspiration, joy, and gratitude.

Special Interests

Healing and Optimizing Digestion: Impacts every system of the body.

Food Energetics: An aspect of Oriental Medicine theory; understanding and choosing foods based on inherent energetic qualities and whether a particular condition, constitution, or season of life will be balanced or imbalanced by their use.

Hormonal Balance: Aligning with the body’s cycles, nourishing the organs, optimizing fertility.

Mindful Eating: When, Where, and Why we eat are as important as What we eat.

Traditional Foods Wisdom: Pre-industrial methods of food cultivation, preparation and preservation used historically in many traditional cultures to enhance nutrition and promote health.